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Ecclesiology & Mission
The church is the Body of Christ in the world. It is the embodiment of the gospel and commissioned to reproduce itself among all nations. Its expression is diverse and continually evolving as it interfaces with the changing world it is sent into. The church came into being as the community of Jesus’ witnesses who were commanded to go out to their neighbors, towns, cities, and the ends of the earth. It is dynamic, creative, reproducing, and courageous as its members seek to nurture life in locally reproducing ways, wherever they find themselves.
The church is a mission community dedicated to proclaiming and teaching God’s word. It cares for and extends God’s family. Demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit, the church brings God’s light to dark places, being a relevant societal example of holy living. It pursues God’s concerns for the world it inhabits and the communities its members are a part of. The church honors God as it affirms and encourages the diversity of all he has created. However, churches also often become institutions which struggle to retain their life-giving mission orientation.
See your regional page for a call for papers.
Check back in Summer of 2025 for details on how to register for this conference.
Jean Johnson

As the Director of Five Stones Global and a coach-trainer, Jean brings 35 years of cross-cultural mission experience, including six years serving Cambodian refugees in St. Paul/Minneapolis, followed by 16 years in Cambodia. In the past 15 years, she has focused on coaching and training leaders to multiply disciples through biblically rooted, reproducible, and culturally effective methods. Additionally, Jean is the author of the book “We Are Not the Hero.”
Grant Lemarquand

Grant LeMarquand is a Canadian, a graduate of McGill University and of Wycliffe College, Toronto, where he completed his Th.D. in New Testament studies. From 1998 until 2012 he was Professor of Biblical Studies and Mission at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. He had previously taught at St Paul’s United Theological College, Limuru Kenya and at Wycliffe College, Toronto, Canada. In 2014 Wycliffe awarded him a D.D. and in 2015 he was made Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies at Trinity School for Ministry. He was Visiting Professor of New Testament at Trinity during the 2018-2019 academic year and became Professor of Mission in July 2019.
From 2012 – 2018 Grant was the Area Bishop for The Horn of Africa within the Anglican / Episcopal Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa. His episcopal area included oversight of approximately 150 churches in the countries of Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia and Ethiopia. In March 2020, he was asked to be the Temporary Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes, which he has been doing part time while still teaching at Trinity.
He has written and edited numerous articles and books, including Why Haven’t You Left? Letters from the Sudan (Church Publications) and A Comparative Study of the Story of the Bleeding Woman in North Atlantic and African Contexts (Peter Lang).
Bishop LeMarquand his wife Wendy, who is a medical doctor, are both Canadians. They have two grown children and one grandchild.
Zane Pratt

Zane Pratt serves as the Associate Professor of Christian Missions at Southern Seminary. In addition, Pratt currently works for the International Mission Board as the Vice President for Global Training. Prior to returning to the International Mission Board, Pratt served as Dean of the Billy Graham School from 2011 to 2013, and as a church planter in Central Asia from 1991 to 2011. He is married to Catherine, and they have two children..
Past Conferences
New Frontiers in Missiology
Educating for Contemporary Mission
Reconciliation: God's Mission through Missions for All
Communication(s) and Mission
The Past and Future of Evangelical Mission
Mission Amid Global Crises
Mission and Evangelism in a Secularizing World
Engaging theology, theologians, theological education in (or from) majority world contexts.
Missions and the Local Church
Controversies in Mission