Do you want to help bring people from all the nations into relationship with Jesus as he intends? Sadly, there are multiple mission approaches today that are ineffective or even counterproductive to reaching that goal. If that concerns you then join this journey through Scripture, mission history, and contemporary experience to find direction to redeem the nations. We will explore what Jesus intended missions to be, what it certainly is not, why it is important, how it should be carried out, and the essential divine power that must energize it. Along the way, you will discover dozens of misconceptions that can misdirect or scuttle your personal, church, or team efforts while clarifying how you should invest your life and resources to accomplish this most important task on earth.

Finding Direction to Redeem the Nations: Navigating Missions Misconceptions
Series: Publications by Members
Publisher: Wipf and Stock
Year Published: 2023
ISBN: 978-1666784121