EMS Grant for Research to Advance World Evangelization (GRAWE)


Prov. 18:15 says “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” Original research is a significant way to acquire knowledge. EMS’s mission statement is to advance the cause of world evangelization. Academicians may have the personal resources to carry out biblical or theoretical studies related to missiology; however, the costs involved in carrying out quantitative or qualitative studies can hinder such research. The EMS Grant for Research to Advance World Evangelization (GRAWE) seeks to incentivize high quality research on how the gospel spreads across cultures and to officially recognize (and reward) researchers who create new knowledge in the field of missiology.


Up to $5000. $2500 by Dec 31 of the year of granting the award, to cover initial costs; and $2500 at submission of paper for presentation of the research at an EMS regional and annual conference. The registration fee for the annual conference will be covered.

The grant money must primarily be used to facilitate data collection and analysis. The money should cover things like:

  • Travel costs related to qualitative data collection in a research site
  • Incentives to participate in a quantitative study
  • Software required for data analysis
  • Transcription of qualitative interviews
  • Travel to and accommodation for EMS conference

Annual progress and financial accountability reports with receipts will be required.


One award a year maximum. An awardee cannot receive the grant more than once every seven years.

Criteria for the study

The study does not need to be related to a current EMS theme but must involve original qualitative or quantitative research on how the gospel spreads across cultures. The research cannot have already been collected for a grant application to be considered. Research must be completed within (and presented) 3 years from Jan 1st of the year after receipt of the initial portion of the money.

Criteria for the awardee(s)

Grants are for a study, not for an individual. Therefore, a grant can be given to a group of co-investigators, one of whom will be the principal investigator (PI). The money will be given to the PI or the PI’s institution. The PI must be an EMS member whose dues are current. 


By August 1st, send the following to the Chair of the Grant Committee at research@emsweb.org:

  1. CV for each investigator on the project
  2. budget showing how the money will be used, and
  3. 1500 word summary of the project that includes a:
    1. rationale for the study (especially in relation to how the research aids the spreading of the gospel across cultures)
    2. brief literature review
    3. research question or topic
    4. the research methods
    5. plan for ethics review
    6. research plan (timeline)
    7. a brief comment on any financial circumstances which might make this grant particularly helpful for you

Process for deciding who gets the grant:

A committee consisting of 2 EMS Board Members and one outside EMS member will review the grant applications and recommend those that qualify to the EMS board by the beginning of September. The EMS Board votes at the annual Board meeting before the conference. The grant application with the most votes will receive the grant. However, members can also vote for “no award.” If “no award” receives more votes than any other candidate, no award will be given that year.


The grant policy to be reviewed after three years (after presentation from first awardee). At this point, evaluation of the award may also be invited from recipients.