2020 South Central Conference Audio

Brian Bain (DTS)
The “C-Spectrum” Reapplied To Better Understand and Evaluate The Christ-likeness Of Western Churches

Chris Flanders (Abilene Christian University)
The Past, Present, and Future of the Honor-Shame Model in Evangelical Missiology

Christopher Troutman (DIU)
Crying Uukhai: Using the Folk-Rock Genre to Engage the Mongolian Church

Dane W. Fowlkes (The Unfinished Task Network)
Measuring Impact of Theological Education in a Traditional Mission Field: A Twenty Year Study from Kenya

Douglas Vavrosky (Logos Evangelical Seminary)
What Place Does Spiritual Warfare Play in Evangelism?

Emily Wellham (DTS)
A Missional Approach to Shame and Mental Health

Gailyn Van Rheenen (Mission Alive)
Incarnational Church Planting: Contextual Planting, Nurturing, and Training

James Alongi (DTS)
A Biblical Model of Missions: The Family Ethic

John Clayton (Covenant Presbyterian Church/PCA)
Dying to Go: The Life and Death Influence of John Urquhart upon Scottish Missions

John Oh (DIU)
Rediscovering the Korean Immigrant Church: Changing Immigrant Society, Unchanging Immigrant Church

Jose L. Cruz (Crossover Global)
The Holes in the Window

Ken Baker (SIM)
5 Decades, 4 Questions, and 1 Which Remains…

Ken Taylor (NOBTS)
The Lasting Impact of the Emphasis on Church Planting Movements (CPMs) on 21st Century Missions Efforts

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Kimberley Dvorak (DTS) and Rettland Dvorak (DTS)
Past and Future of the C-Spectrum: Should C4 communities be the Aim of Contextualization?

Mark Harlan (DIU) and Wayne Dye (DIU)
The Foreignness Spectrum: Toward a Local Believer’s View of Contextualization

Micah Dao (SWBTS)
LAMWIC Index: How the C-Spectrum has been misapplied and a possible solution for measuring missionary productivity with a new metric

Mike Morris (SWBTS)
Strengths and Weaknesses of the CPM Model

Nabhira Mascorro (DIU)
Art Festivals and Christian Mission

Nermeen Tawfik (SWBTS)
Reformation Approaches in Islam

Owen Su (DTS)
Reframe International Student Ministries as Part of the Solution for Mobilization in Global Mission

Pete Unseth (DIU)
Evangelical Missionaries and Language Research

Ray Franklin (OBU)
The 10/40 Window and Unreached People Groups: Is It Time for a Shift in Our Focus?

Ray Franklin (OBU)
The Three-Self Model, the Pilgrim Principle, and the Indigenous Principle: A Perspective from the Future Generation of Missionaries

Sundeep Paulose Malickal (DTS)
Ecclesiology as a Basis of Church Plants: A Case Study of the Local Church Movement in South Asia

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Tristan Hurley (Scarborough College at SWBTS)
Just how Important is Africa to the Early Christian Church?

William (Bill) Taylor & Michael Ortiz
Pressing Missions Conversations: Past and Future - Part One

William (Bill) Taylor & Michael Ortiz
Pressing Missions Conversations: Past and Future - Part Two